The prevalence of heart failure is increasing in the population, and in particular of heart failure with preserved left ventricular function (HFpEF). Little is known about HFpEF even though it affects 40% of people with heart failure, especially older women, people with type 2 diabetes and/or high blood pressure. For many of these people, the diagnosis is only made at the time of hospital admission or when physical complaints already appear, despite the fact that abnormalities in the heart have often been present for a long time.
What does the study involve?
We aim to investigate in a group of 850 people with type 2 diabetes which signs and symptoms are associated with different stages of HFpEF. These persons underwent a heart echocardiogram between 2019 and 2022 in combination with measurements and questionnaires of heart failure complaints. We will investigate which factors from their medical history predict (incipient) heart failure, and how their health develops in the 3 years after the echo was made.
Study status
This study is anticipated to start in fall 2024
Maroucha van den Berg (PhD student), dr. Marieke Blom, dr. Alicia Uijl, prof. dr. Joline Beulens and prof.dr. Petra Elders
Marieke Blom