Team (EN)

The Hoorn Studies are led by prof. Joline Beulens (Epidemiology and Data Science) and prof. Petra Elders (General Practice), together with a team of senior researchers. Current research projects are carried out by our PhD students.


Joline Beulens, professor Lifestyle and Epidemiology of Chronic Diseases

Petra Elders, professor General Practice and Diabetes Care

Marieke Blom, senior researcher

Mirthe Muilwijk, postdoc researcher

Giel Nijpels, emeritus professor General Practice and Diabetes Care

Sharon Remmelzwaal, postdoc researcher

Femke Rutters, assistant professor diabetes and sleep

Leen ’t Hart, senior researcher

Nicole den Braver, professor Lifestyle and Living Environment in Healthcare

Charlotte Andriessen, postdoc researcher

Peter Harms, postdoc researcher